Gary credits his writer grandfather for handing down his writing ability.

Please introduce yourself. Tell us about your personal life, family, education.

After 35+ years in corporate training roles, I have exited the hamster wheel and am redeployed as a Writer of Things. I live by myself, but am never alone, and am planted between soybean and corn in the rolling hills of southeastern Indiana. I have two kids who each have two kids of their own. Distance is an issue, so seeing grandkids is limited. I’m a Follower of Jesus and do my best to stay in the Word. I live with two females, Lilly and Boo, and enjoy spoiling them with treats and catnip-filled toy mice.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I am an avid reader and enjoy gardening. Cooking is a favorite pastime. Starvation has been avoided so far, so the meals are satisfactory.

If you are active in career fields other than writing, what do you hope for the future of that business? Describe your work or business activities in which you are presently active.

Retirement has evolved into an intentional redeployment. I work at writing with hopes that others will read and enjoy what I create. I write because I enjoy it, not as a means to get rich.

Do you have hobbies? How did you get started in them?

Writing has been a hobby for years, mainly short stories and poetry. I am convinced my grandfather, a master storyteller, gifted me with the ability to spin a good tale of my own.

If you are a writer, are you an avid reader?

Yes, I have read and listened to over 600 eBooks and am active in many author networking groups.

What is your ultimate writing goal as you see it today?

I strive to write compelling thriller suspense stories that please my readers. I want to be known for telling a good story. So far, I’m doing an awesome job maintaining an unknown status.

Writing the First Book

What inspired you to write your first book?

My first book started as a short story, “Mirror Mirror,” that turned into a novel. My second book, “Dreamscape Conspiracy,” started the same way but evolved into a four-book series. That second book is proof that I don’t control where the story will take me, and that’s a thrill for me.

How do you decide on the title of a book?

Sometimes, I have a title in mind before the book is written. Other times, the title is decided upon later or even changes as the story progresses. I honestly don’t know where a story is going until it takes me there.

Have you developed a specific writing style, and why?

I’ve been influenced by authors who do a good job of bringing narratives into a story. Words I’ve written are better served by dialogs shared by the characters in the story. I enjoy getting into the heads and hearts of characters and how they communicate and tell/show the story by their actions and thoughts. I like a story that you can hear as well as read, and I’m not talking about audiobooks; I’m talking about conversations that move the story along.

How much of your books is realistic and experiences based on someone you know, or events in your life?

I sometimes choose locations based on personal experience with fictional trimming to what is authentic. Characters are fictitious and not necessarily influenced by real people. Storylines are influenced by life to an extent, but I love the flexibility of fictional situations that my Muse dumps into my lap to write down. She has relegated me to a scribe, and I’m okay with that.

A Favorite Author

Who is your favorite writer, and what is it about their work that really strikes you?

I’m a fan of Lee Childs and other authors who write thrillers. Mr. Childs does a great job of developing characters based on what they say in narrative dialogs. His writing gives me a sense of familiarity with the characters.

Do you remember the first book you read?

Fifth grade, “Two Against the North” was an adventure story and I read it three times.

Is there an author, past or present, you would love to meet? Why?

I’d love to meet Lee Childs. He is an influencer to my style of writing and storytelling.

If you could not write, how would you express what you wish to convey through any stories?

I cannot imagine not writing. I suppose I would waste away watching Netflix or something else

equally mindless. Not writing would be a curse.

When you see new authors struggling, what single piece of advice could you give them on a moment’s notice?

Keep writing and polish your skills.

How do you want others to see you or remember you? Is it important to you?

I hope to be known as a competent storyteller who authors compelling stories. Would I like being a best-selling author? Certainly, I would but that is not a primary objective. I simply love to tell a good story and writing is a means to an end.

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